The primary goal of this study is to geotechnically analyze the soil strength and liquefaction potential of the soil where the Seyrek highway junction and the bridge are built under earthquake-related dynamic stress. The analyses include comparisons of liquefaction potential using various empirical approaches, studies of post-liquefaction vertical deformation, and investigations into the influence of fill soil on liquefaction-induced surface deformation. Since the analyses of liquefaction potential in soils are made based on the "Simplified Method" approach, this method was also used in this study. This study also used the "Simplified Method" approach, which is the basis for studies of soil liquefaction potential. Four standard penetration tests (SPT) on the bridge piers were used to collect field data, and experiments in the lab were used to establish the requisite soil parameters. When the results of the Simplified Method analysis were performed according to the soil properties of the SK-1, SK-2, SK-3, and SK-4 drillings and the liquefaction analysis results were determined according to the required safety factor (Fs), liquefaction potential up to 18.5 meters was determined in all four SPT locations. Moreover, the results of surface damage effect analyses of the non-liquefied cover/fill layer on the Seyrek crossing bridge soil for all four SPP fields were found to be 'visible" and the liquefiable layer thickness (H2) was found to be 10.5 m. The calculated liquefaction severity index (LS) value was found to be up to 52, which means the liquefaction effect was found to be 'Possible liquefaction damage'.