Nicolaus Copernicus was not only a world-famous astronomer but a physician as well. He was born on 19th February 1473 in Toruń and died on 24th May 1543 in Frombork. His remains were found in 2005 in Frombork Cathedral. The aim of this work is to identify the reasons for mild tooth loss in the maxilla of 70-year-old Nicolaus Copernicus. This study analyzed the photos of the maxilla with the following teeth (according to the FDI notation): 22, 13, 23, 14, 24, 15, 25, and 26 from Copernicus’s second funeral in 2010. After analysis of the historical texts, it was confirmed that Copernicus had broad knowledge of various subjects, including medicine, which may have influenced his awareness of dental hygiene and healthy lifestyle. His diet and general health condition were also scrutinized. The very good state of the teeth of 70-year-old Nicolaus Copernicus may be connected to his high education and social background, wide knowledge of medicine and oral hygiene, proper dietary and lifestyle habits, and good general health. It is probable that the above-mentioned factors had a major impact on Copernicus’s longevity. This study is the first to find reasons for the good condition of Nicolaus Copernicus’s teeth on the day of his death. The improvement of knowledge about Nicolaus Copernicus’s prevention of dental disease may be important for the good condition and longevity of the current human population.