High resolution (0.004 cm ¡1 instrumental bandwidth) interferometric Fourier transform infrared spectra of 14 ND 3 were obtained on a BOMEM DA002 spectrometer under essentially Doppler limited conditions. An analysis is reported of the ND 3 stretching fundamentals with band centres at~0 1 …s ¬ a †ˆ…2420:056 § 0:001 †cm ¡1 ,~0 1 …a ¬ s †ˆ…2420:650 § 0:001 †cm ¡1 , 0 3 …a ¬ a †ˆ…2563:8840 § 0:0005 †cm ¡1 and~0 3 …s ¬ s †ˆ…2563:9161 § 0:0005 †cm ¡1 , with inversion tunnelling splittings D~1ˆ0:5412 cm ¡1 and D~3ˆ0:0209 cm ¡1 in the vibrationally excited levels. About 50 parameters of the e ective Hamiltonian for this band system could be determined accurately. Assignments were established with certainty by means of ground state combination di erences. The results are important for and are discussed in relation to the mode selective inhibition and promotion of inversion at the nitrogen atom by exciting ND stretching vibrations, and treatments of isotope e ects on inversion of ammonia by means of e ective Hamiltonians and true molecular Hamiltonians on high dimensional potential hypersurfaces.