A two-point boundary value problem is considered on the interval [0,1], where the leading term in the di erential operator is a Caputo fractional derivative of order with 1 < < 2. Writing for the solution of the problem, it is known that typically ὔὔ ( ) blows up as → 0. A numerical example demonstrates the possibility of a further phenomenon that imposes di culties on numerical methods: may exhibit a boundary layer at = 1 when is near 1. The conditions on the data of the problem under which this layer appears are investigated by rst solving the constant-coe cient case using Laplace transforms, determining precisely when a layer is present in this special case, then using this information to enlighten our examination of the general variable-coe cient case (in particular, in the construction of a barrier function for ). This analysis proves that usually no boundary layer can occur in the solution at = 0, and that the quantity = max ∈[0,1] ( ), where is the coe cient of the rst-order term in the di erential operator, is critical: when < 1, no boundary layer is present when is near 1, but when ≥ 1 then a boundary layer at = 1 is possible. Numerical results illustrate the sharpness of most of our results.