Using Gurtin's variational principle, a rational method for deducing the approximate one-dimensional theories of Medick from three-dimensional elasticity is presented.By using suitable unknowns, matrix equations are obtained; these exhibit a hyperbolic structure.
RI~SUMI~Dans le cadre des schrmatisations de Medick, on prrsente une mrthode permettant de drduire de la throrie tridimensionelle des throries approchres h une dimension de plus en plus fines. Aprrs un choix convenable des inconnues, on obtient les 6quations matricieUes du problrme qui mettent en 6vidence une structure de syst~me hyperbolique.Three-dimensional continuum theories usually lead to rather involved problems. When "slender" bodies (like strings, rods, beams) are considered, the motion of the medium can usually be properly described by a "one-dimensional theory" or "rod theory". Such bodies will be termed "curvilinear media".To give such a one-dimensional theory is tantamount to:• selecting a definite number of functions of two variables, the arc-length on a certain curve and time, which are meant to describe the state of the system • giving the equations and the initial and boundary conditions these functions should meet.Among the methods that yield a hierarchy of approximations, let us mention director theories [1], [2] in which the curvilinear medium is defined axiomatically without direct reference to the theory of elasticity, and several methods [3][4][5][6] in which displacements within the cross-section are represented by polynomials in the transverse coordinates, using as a starting point the theory of three-dimensional elasticity.