1992. Host specificity in the slave-making ant Harpagoxenus canadensis M.R. Smith. Can. J. Zool. 70: 167-170. The slave-making ant Harpagoxenus canadensis frequently parasitizes two host species in the genus Leptothorar (subgenus Leptothorar s.str.) which are part of the L. "muscorum" complex and are currently referred to as Leptothorax sp. A and Leptothorar sp. B. A sympatric member of this subgenus, L. retractus, is rarely enslaved. Of 48 complete slave-maker colonies from various sites, 26 contained only Leptothorax sp. A slaves (54.2%), 11 contained only Leptothorax sp. B slaves (22.9%), and 11 contained slaves of both species (22.9%). Of 65 partial slave-maker colonies from one site, 10 contained only Leptothorax sp. A slaves (15.4%), 55 contained only Leptothorax sp. B slaves (84.6%), and none contained slaves of both species. Leptothorar retractus was common at some sites but was never found as a slave in this study. Differences in host-utilization patterns within and between populations might reflect differing host densities but could be influenced by genetic or learned predispositions of the parasites or differential interspecific compatibilities among the various species. Possible collector bias must also be considered. Female reproductives of the host species ( n = 13) were occasionally found in slave-maker nests. Most of these were Leptothorax sp. A intermorphs (workerlike females; n = 11) and were inseminated but not egg laying. The only Leptothorax sp. A gynomorph (a primarily winged female) was uninseminated and not egg laying, and the only Leptothorax sp. B gynomorph could not be dissected. HEINZE, J., STUART, R. J., ALLOWAY, T. M., et BUSCHINGER, A. 1992. Host specificity in the slave-making ant Harpagoxenus canadensis M.R. Smith. Can. J. Zool. 70 : 167-170. La fourmi esclavagiste Harpago.xenus canadensis parasite frCquemment deux espkces h6tes du genre Leptothorax (sous genre) Leptothorax s.str.) qui font partie du complexe L. (( muscorum )) et sont appelCes ici Leptothorax sp. A et Leptothorax sp. B. Une autre espkce sympatrique du mime sous-genre, L. retractus, est rarement asservie. Des 48 colonies entikrement esclavagistes examinCes B diffkrents endroits, 26 n'utilisaient que des Leptothorux sp. A comme esclaves (54,2%), 11 n'utilisaient que des Leptothorax sp. B (22,9%) et 1 1 contenaient des esclaves des deux espkces (22,9%). Des 65 colonies partiellement esclavagistes rencontries B un endroit, 10 ne contenaient que des Leptothorux sp. A (15,4%), 55 ne contenaient que des Leptothorax sp. B (84,6%) et aucune n'utilisait les deux espkces comme esclaves. Leptothorar retractus Ctait commun