Lead exposure causes neurotoxicity, reproductive system dysfunction, renal failure, and blood and endocrine system disorders in human and experimental animals. In this study, we investigated lead mobilization from gunshot fragments to the critical organs (brain, heart, liver, and kidney) and its interaction with essential trace elements on experimental rat model. Thirty-five rats were randomly divided in five groups. The first group was a control and the others were subjected to buckshot implantation in their skeletal muscles (second and third groups) and abdomen (fourth and fifth groups). The control group and the second and fourth groups were sacrificed 1 month after the onset of experiment while the third and fifth groups were followed after 2 months. Blood lead levels were significantly elevated in both 2 month-followed groups and 1 month-followed intraabdominal group. There were significant increases in brain lead levels of both 2 month-followed groups. For the 1 month-followed groups, kidney lead levels were also significantly higher than those of controls. Results show that lead mobilizes from the buckshot residues in distance tissues to the critical organs and interacts with iron, copper, and zinc even though blood lead level sometimes remains unchanged. Our findings are crucial in revealing lead accumulation in critical organs of subjects carrying any gunshot fragments. These subjects and physicians should be in alert for emergence of lead-induced manifestations.