This paper reports the results of a literature review that was undertaken to provide background for a small pilot study that introduced violence measurement instruments that was to assist the development of nursing practice on an acute psychiatric unit. Multiple databases were searched, focusing on publications since 1994: CINAHL, Ovid Healthstar, Ovid MEDLINE (R), EMBASE, and PsycINFO. The search used the following four groups of key word alternatives (used in truncated form to allow for ending permutations) in combination with each other: violence, aggression, dangerous; prediction, assessment, factor, risk, issue, cause, reason; mental, psychiatric; inpatient, short-term, acute, admission. Searching was supplemented with footnote chasing of those papers retrieved and existing resources of the first author. Consequently, the synthesis of the results discussed cannot be considered a systematic review of the literature and is a reflection of some of the key issues found in the literature.