On average, the water column of Lake Superior is undersaturated with respect to dissolved oxygen and supersaturated with respect to carbon dioxide during the summer-stratified period. On the basis of temporal changes in water column dissolved oxygen, we calculate rates of oxygen consumption that range from 0.19 to 0.75 mmol m. These rates are a factor of 5-10 times larger than can be supported by the particulate carbon settling rates and benthic oxygen consumption rates. In addition, on the basis of the limited information available, dissolved allochthonous carbon inputs are insufficient to account for the calculated rates of carbon oxidation. Rates of nitrate and total CO 2 (⌺CO 2 ) production are 0.019 Ϯ 0.012 and 0.13 Ϯ 0.06 mmol m Ϫ3 d
Ϫ1, respectively, and are consistent with the oxidation of a dissolved organic component that is similar in composition (C : N ratio) to the settling particulate material. Previously published estimates of total primary production were smaller but similar in magnitude to our integrated water column respiration rates. We interpret the observed imbalance between particulate carbon delivered to the deep lake and the calculated rate of carbon oxidation to be the result of the decomposition of dissolved organic carbon that appears to have both an autochthonous and an allochthonous component.A simplistic view of aquatic ecosystem carbon cycling is that photosynthetic production, limited by the availability of one or more major nutrients, generates a large pool of fixed (autochthonous) carbon in the euphotic zone. Most of that organic material is ''recycled'' within the euphotic zone with some, typically small, fraction being ''exported'' out of the euphotic zone. A portion of this export production is then remineralized within the deep water column or within the sediments, and the balance is permanently buried (e.g., Dymond et al. 1996 and references therein). The record of this buried ''residual'' production serves as the basis for paleoclimate studies. For these studies, variations in the accumulation rate of biogenic material in lacustrine systems are 1 Corresponding author (mcmanus@coas.oregonstate.edu). Present address: College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, 104 Ocean Admin. Bldg., Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5503.
AcknowledgmentsSpecial thanks are extended to the Co-PIs on the project, Elise Ralph and Robert Sterner. Elise Ralph kindly processed the conductivity-temperature-depth data and provided an initial draft of the map. Chris Moser helped with much of the hard work on deck; his dedication and perseverance are greatly appreciated. Jason Agnich, Angela Cates, Bronwen Cumberland, Phillip Hommerding, Keely Johnson, Melissa Jones, Julie Klejeski, Kimberly Kolbeck, and Christina Willie all helped in the laboratory or in the field. Mike DeGrandpre (Univ. MT) provided the instrumentation for the comparative pCO 2 data. Simone Alin and Tom Johnson provided insightful comments on an early draft of this manuscript. Conversations with Jon Cole and Jim Cotner helped clarify...