Hazard assessment of chemicals to aquatic organisms involves the use of many toxicity tests. Acute toxicity tests, embryo-larval toxicity tests, and chronic toxicity tests that measure survival, growth, and reproductive effects now provide the most relative utility for evaluation of potential chemical hazards to aquatic life. Physiological, biochemical, and histological measurements have a low relative utility as diagnostc tests in aquatic toxicology because it is not yet possible to relate changes in these sublethal responses to adverse environmental impacts. The problem of interpreting the toxicological significance of dhemial-induced changes in biochemical and physiological mechanisms is twofold: (1) the understandingof physiological and biochemical regulatory mechanisms in fish is limited; and (2) paraliel changes in these meanisms are difficult to correlate with toxicant exposure and impaired ability of fish to survive. To overcome this problem, more physiological and biochemical research must be conducted in conjunction with toxdcity studies that measure important whole-animal responses. Toxicant-induced biochemical and physioocal responses must be correlated unequivocally with responses related to reproduction, growth and development, survival, or fish health if pertinent diagnostic tests are to be developed for use in aquatic toxiology. The use of diagnostic tests in hazard assessment procedures can decrease the time required for safety evaluation of chemicals, define no-effect exposure concentrations more adequately, and provide a better understanding of the mode of action of chemicals. Considerations for improving the status of the "state of the art" of diagnostic or clinical tests in aquatic toxicology are discussed. established over the years by extensive research correlating physiological and biochemical responses with whole-animal responses. These correlations allow the mammalian toxicologist to interpret the biological significance of physiological responses induced by toxic chemicals.Similar diagnostic tests are not available to fish toxicologists because biochemical and physiological research has been less extensive in aquatic toxicology, which is a relatively new field of science. The "state of the art" of physiological, biochemical, and histological tests in aquatic toxicology was recently summarized by participants in a workshop on aquatic toxicology held at Pellston, Michigan (1). The participants rated the relative utility of eleven toxicity tests using the criteria of ecological significance of effects, scientific and legal defensibility, availability of acceptable methods, utility of test results in predicting effects in aquatic environments, the general applicability to all classes of chemicals, and the simplicity and cost of the test. In terms of present utility for use in assessing the hazard to aquatic environments, acute lethality tests were 139