At the present stage of accelerated economic development of various industries, enrichment of the spiritual culture of mankind, rapid social and political life of Ukraine, appropriate requirements are placed on the comprehensive development of the individual in the society of a developed country. In this turbulent flow of special importance, along with verbal, have acquired graphic means of transmitting information, without which it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged society that every moment receives, transmits or acquires useful information. Such a means of transmitting information are various kinds of drawings, diagrams, technical drawings, cryptograms, symbolic models and more. This means that in almost all spheres of the national economy, extensive mechanization and automation of production processes, the introduction of new technological processes requires highly qualified personnel who are free to operate graphic media.In modern production, drawings play a special role because they are the main design and technological document. Without graphics, there will be no modern production or activity of a modern worker. Graphics is a means of expressing technical thought, a means of transmitting information about the object of human production, it explains the design and operation of machines and mechanisms, the relationship of parts in assembly units.At first glance, graphic disciplines have fixed rules, they have constant postulates, knowing that it remains only to follow them. However, analyzing the scientific, methodological, historical literature related to graphics, we can conclude that this science has its rapid development, which inherits, and recently precedes progress in almost all industries. The latter is a barrier for graduates of many higher education institutions, including graduates of vocational education institutions.