This article is a short version of the paper published in J. Number Theory 145 (2014) but we add new results and a brief discussion about the Torsion Conjecture. Consider the family of superelliptic curves (over Q) Cq,p,a : y q = x p + a, and its Jacobians Jq,p,a, where 2 < q < p are primes. We give the full (resp. partial) characterization of the torsion part of J3,5,a(Q) (resp. Jq,p,a(Q)). The main tools are computations of the zeta function of C3,5,a (resp. Cq,p,a) over F l for primes l ≡ 1, 2, 4, 8, 11 (mod 15) (resp. for primes l ≡ −1 (mod qp)) and applications of the Chebotarev Density Theorem.