Complications of rhinosinusitis result from progression of acute fungal or bacterial rhinosinusitis beyond the paranasal sinuses, potentially causing significant morbidity from either local or distant spread.
Case Report
A 45year old male patient presented with left sided headache since 8 days, left sided facial pain and swelling since 4 days which rapidly progressed to have pre-maxillay pus pointing and cellulitis. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) was planned and intraoperatively inferior turbinectomy and maxillary clearance through the necrosed inferior turbinate was performed.
The management of acute fungal rhinosinusitis is surgical debridement by doing FESS. This case report highlights that it may not be the case always. The treatment in the form of maxillary clearance and debridement of necrosed area need to be tailor made according to the disease and involvement as suggested on radiological imaging.