Seedlings of four triticale (proposed scientific name Triticale hexaploide Lart.) cultivars were grown in vermiculite with continuous light at 20 ± 1 C from seed that had been treated with various growth regulators during imbibition prior to planting. The objectives were to determine useful characteristics in cultivar identification and the effect of various growth regulators on growth and development of triticale. Growth regulators tested were: gibberellic acid (GA3); (2‐chloroethyl) trimethyl ammonium chloride (CCC); Tris‐(2‐diethylaminoethyl)‐phosphate trihydrocloride (SK & F 7997‐A3); and a water control.
All parameters, percent emergence, internode length, dry weight, and length of leaves 1, 2, and 3, were significantly affected by cultivars and growth regulators. A chemical & cultivar interaction was evident in length of the first internode and length of leaf 1. Internode length in the winter cultivars was significantly increased, whereas only one of the spring types responded to GA. The data indicate that certain cultivars could be distinguished from other cultivars in controlled environments when the seedlings are grown with and without growth regulators.