1 Pol ish Geo log i cal In sti tute -Na tional Re search In sti tute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa, Po land Narkiewicz, M., Petecki, Z., 2017. Base ment struc ture of the Pa leo zoic Plat form in Po land. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 61 (2): 502-520, doi: 10.7306/gq.XXXX The Pa leo zoic Plat form com prises the south west ern half of the Pol ish ter ri tory, sep a rated from the Pre cam brian East Eu ropean Plat form (EEP) by a NW-SE trending subvertical lithospheric-scale dis con ti nu ity -the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone. In the pres ent study, the Pa leo zoic Plat form base ment is sub di vided based on geo log i cal and geo phys i cal ev i dence ac quired dur ing the last de cades, in clud ing deep seis mic re frac tion and re flec tion re sults, as well as grav ity, mag netic and magnetotelluric data. The units ad ja cent to the EEP, the Mid-Pol ish Do main (com pris ing the £ysogóry Block) and the Pom era nian Block, are char ac ter ized by a thinned three-layer EEP-type crys tal line crust (age 1.7-3.7 Gy). Their old est plat form cover is prob a bly com posed of thick Ediacaran syn-rift sed i men tary and vol ca nic rocks. Their west ern ex ten sion in the contig u ous Ger man and Bal tic area can be traced as far as the East Elbian Mas sif and Thor Su ture based mainly on mag netic anom aly pat terns. The Up per Silesian and Ma³opolska blocks lo cated in SE Po land are char ac ter ized by Cadomian (660-600 My) base ment over lain by the thick de formed Ediacaran foredeep de pos its. Whereas the units with the EEP-type base ment are in ter preted as prox i mal ter ranes dis placed along the EEP mar gin dur ing the late Early Pa leo zoic, the blocks with a Cadomian base ment are con ceived as ex otic ter ranes of a pos si ble Gondwanan prov e nance. All these ter ranes were accreted ul ti mately dur ing the fi nal, lat est Si lu rian stages of the Cal edo nian de for ma tion al though the ex act sce nario of the amal gam ation re mains hy po thet i cal. The Sudetic Do main in SW Po land is a col lage of dif fer ent crustal units jux ta posed ul timately in the Penn syl va nian (ca. 310 Ma) dur ing the fi nal ep i sodes of the Variscan Orog eny. Their north ern bound ary cor responds to the Rheic Su ture trace able in mag netic and grav ity anom a lies pat tern along the north ern mar gin of the Wolsztyn-Leszno High, and con tin u ing west wards along the Mid-Ger man Crys tal line High. The ar cu ate trace of the su ture in the NE is dextrally dis placed along the Odra Fault, and con tin ues south wards where it is mapped as the Moravian-Silesian Su ture.