ABSTRACT. Comparison of the adult brain insulin receptor (IR) to other tissue IR demonstrates that the former migrates -10 kD faster on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis due to deficient sialic acid content of the asparagine N-linked carbohydrate moieties. We studied these receptors in the fetal rat (18-day) brain (-125 kD) and liver (-135 kD), and demonstrated that similar differences are present during fetal life. These differences are not modified by hyperglycemia associated with both mild hyperinsulinemia and normoinsulinemia/ hypoinsulinemia. We further studied the specific brain cell types: neurons, glial cells, and purified microvessel preparation, and demonstrated a heterogeneity in the N-linked glycosylation of the IR within an organ (brain). The neuronal (-125 kD) and microvascular (-125 kD, -135 kD) IR are deficient in sialic acid, thus conferring neuraminidase-insensitivity to the whole brain, whereas the glial cell IR, similar to the liver IR, exhibits neuraminidase sensitivity and migrates intermediate (-128 kD) to the liver and brain IR. The functional significance of this receptor heterogeneity between various tissues and cells within the same organ (brain) remains to be determined. (Pediatr Res 24:683-692,1988) Abbreviations IR. insulin rece~tor k~, kilodaltons-SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisThe IR, a heterotetrameric glycopeptide composed of two aand two /?-subunits linked by disulfide bonds, mediates the biologic effects of insulin (I). In the brain of both the adult (2) and developing animal (3-5), insulin and insulin receptors have been demonstrated. These brain IR are unique in the sense that they do not down-regulate in response to high insulin concentrations (5, 6), a phenomenon that has been observed in various fetal neural (5, 7) and nonneural tissues as well (8-10). There is evidence to support the fact that insulin is synthesized within the brain (1 1, 12) as well as the fact that circulating insulin traverses the blood-brain banier and gains access to the brain (13), suggesting a dual origin for insulin within the central nervous system. Biologic effects of insulin, akin to those in other tissues such as ' Parts of this work were resented in ~reliminarv form at the Mid West Societv metabolic (14) and growth-promoting effects (15), have been demonstrated within the brain, specifically in glial cells; whereas the unique effect of neuromodulation has been observed only in neuronal cells (1 6, 17).Structural studies of the adult brain IR in comparison with the IR of adipocytes and liver have revealed a heterogeneity. Specifically, the a-subunit which binds to the ligand has been demonstrated to be -10 kD lighter in the brain than in other tissues (7,(18)(19)(20). Recent evidence supports the fact that a decrease in the sialic acid content of the brain IR N-linked carbohydrate moieties is responsible for this heterogeneity (21,22). We studied this heterogeneity in the fetal rat to determine whether these structural IR differ...