Health hazards in astronauts are represented by cardiovascular problems and impaired bone healing. These disturbances are characterized by a common event, the loss of function by vascular endothelium, leading to impaired angiogenesis. We investigated whether the exposure of cultured endothelial cells to hypogravity condition could affect their behaviour in terms of functional activity, biochemical responses, morphology, and gene expression. Simulated hypogravity conditions for 72 h produced a reduction of cell number. Genomic analysis of endothelial cells exposed to hypogravity revealed that proapoptotic signals increased, while antiapoptotic and proliferation/survival genes were down-regulated by modelled low gravity. Activation of apoptosis was accompanied by morphological changes with mitochondrial disassembly and organelles/cytoplasmic NAD(P)H redistribution, as evidenced by autofluorescence analysis. In this condition cells were not able to respond to angiogenic stimuli in terms of migration and proliferation. Our study documents functional, morphological, and transcription alterations in vascular endothelium exposed to simulated low gravity conditions, thus providing insights on the occurrence of vascular tissue dysregulation in crewmen during prolonged space flights. Moreover, the alteration of vascular endothelium can intervene as a concause in other systemic effects, like bone remodelling, observed in weightlessness. Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Keywords: Endothelial cell; Hypogravity; Gene expression; Autofluorescence; Apoptosis; Angiogenesis; Migration; Proliferation Angiogenesis, a process which leads to formation of new vessels, has a relevant physiological role during development and in the adult life [1,2]. Endothelial cells are the true player of the angiogenesis process. Several cardiovascular pathologies are caused by endothelial dysfunction (myocardial ischemia, atherosclerosis), thus growth factors and strategies able to restore the integrity of the endothelium and to promote angiogenesis can be viewed as innovative therapeutic approaches [3,4].Indications that mechanical stimulation of cells, and endothelium in particular, is able to change some of their functions at biochemical and molecular level are reported in the literature [5]. In spite of the evidence that cells are sensitive to mechanical stimuli, the molecular mechanisms by which individual cells recognize and respond to external forces are not well understood. Our interest on hypogravity originates from the recognition that several disturbances associated to endothelium-0006-291X/$ -see front matter Ó