Ϫ ⅐) production is elevated in sympathetic ganglion neurons and in the vasculature of hypertensive animals; however, it is not known what enzymatic pathway(s) are responsible for O 2 Ϫ ⅐ production. To determine the pathway(s) of O 2 Ϫ ⅐ production in sympathetic neurons, we examined the presence of mRNA of NADPH oxidase subunits in sympathetic ganglionic neurons and differentiated PC-12 cells. The mRNAs for NADPH oxidase subunits p47 phox , p22 phox , gp91 phox , and NOX1 were present in sympathetic neurons and PC-12 cells, whereas the NOX4 homologue was present in sympathetic neurons but not PC-12 cells. Freshly dissociated celiac ganglion neurons from normal rats and PC-12 cells produced O 2 Ϫ ⅐ when treated with the PKC activator PMA; O 2 Ϫ ⅐ production increased by 317% and 254%, respectively. The PMA-evoked increases were reduced by pretreatment with the NADPH oxidase inhibitor apocynin. These findings indicate that NADPH oxidase is the primary source of O 2 Ϫ ⅐ in sympathetic ganglion neurons. When celiac ganglia from hypertensive rats were incubated with apocynin, O 2 Ϫ ⅐ levels were reduced to the same levels as normotensive animals, indicating that NADPH oxidase activity accounted for the elevated O 2 Ϫ ⅐ levels in hypertensive animals. To test this latter finding, we compared NADPH oxidase activity in extracts of prevertebral sympathetic ganglia of DOCA-salt hypertensive rats and shamoperated rats. NADPH oxidase activities were 49.9% and 78.6% higher in sympathetic ganglia of DOCA rats compared with normotensive controls when using -NADH and -NADPH as substrates, respectively. Thus elevated O 2 Ϫ ⅐ levels in hypertension may be a result of the increased activity of NADPH oxidase in postganglionic sympathetic neurons. sympathetic ganglia; phorbol ester; reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase; hypertension; deoxycorticosterone acetate VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL CELLS, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as O 2 Ϫ ⅐ and H 2 O 2 . ROS play critical roles in both normal and pathophysiological states of vascular cells, including the modulation of redox-sensitive signaling pathways and gene expression, or in the pathophysiology of hypertension and atherosclerosis (16,22,26,36). Several models of hypertension are associated with an increase in vascular O 2 Ϫ ⅐ (41, 42), and this increased O 2 Ϫ ⅐ may quench the endogenous vasodilator nitric oxide (NO) to cause a loss of NO bioactivity in the vessel wall and impair the endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, resulting in hypertension (26). ROS-mediated endothelial dysfunction in ANG II-infused rats (24) and in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats (42) can be reversed by antioxidant enzyme, endothelial NO synthase (34), or superoxide dismutase (26). ROS can also induce the expression of cardiovascular-related genes, such as those for adhesion molecules and vasoactive substances. For example, the cytokine interleukin 1 activates VCAM-1 gene expression through a mechanism that is repressed ϳ90% by the antioxidant...