Quantum annealing is a way to solve a combinational optimization problem where quantum fluctuation is induced by transverse fields. Recently, a bifurcation-based quantum annealing with spin-1 particles was suggested as another mechanism to implement the quantum annealing. In the bifurcation-based quantum annealing, each spin is initially prepared in |0 , let this state evolve by a time-dependent Hamiltonian in an adiabatic way, and we find a state spanned by | ± 1 at the end of the evolution. Here, we propose a scheme to generate multipartite entanglement, namely GHZ states, between spin-1 particles by using the bifurcation-based quantum annealing. We gradually decrease the detuning of the spin-1 particles while we adiabatically change the amplitude of the external driving fields. Due to the dipole-dipole interactions between the spin-1 particles, we can prepare the GHZ state after performing this protocol. We discuss possible implementations of our scheme by using nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond.