Senescent squirrel monkey is a valuable model to study pathogenesis of cerebrovascular amyloid angiopathy (CAA). Cerebrovascular sequestration and bloodbrain barrier (BBB) permeability to 1251-amyloid~3(1 -40) synthetic peptide (sA/3 1_40) were studied in adult versus aged squirrel monkey 1 h after a single intravenous injection. In aged monkey, the half-time of elimination of sA/31_40, t~12, was prolonged by 0.6 h, the systemic clearance,~was reduced from 1.8 to 1.1 mI/mm/kg, and the mean residence time of intact peptide in the circulation was increased by 1 h (45%). In adult monkey, cerebrovascular sequestration of intact sA/31_40 was significant, and the BBB permeability was 18.6-fold higher than for inulin. In aged monkey, the sequestration of intact sA/3140 by cortical and leptomeningeal microvessels and the BBB permeability were increased by 5.9, 1.8-, and 2.1 -fold, respectively, in the presence of an unchanged barrier to inulin. In brain parenchyma of aged animals, 76.1% of circulating sA/31_40 remained intact versus 45.7% in adult. We conclude that multiple age-related systemic effects, i.e., reduced body elimination and systemic clearance of sA/3140, and reduced peripheral metabolism, may act in concert with BBB mechanisms, i.e., increased transendothelial transport and microvascular accumulation of blood-borne sAft~40, and reduced brain metabolism to enhance the development of CAA. Key Words: Alzheimer's amyloid /3-Cerebrovascular amybid angiopathy-Squirrel monkey-Cerebrovascular sequestration-Blood-brain barrier permeability-Aging.