Y 0:5 Ca 0:5 BaCo 4 O 7 contains kagomé layers of Co ions, whose spins are strongly coupled, with a CurieWeiss temperature of ÿ2200 K. At low temperature, T 1:2 K, our diffuse neutron scattering study with polarization analysis reveals characteristic spin correlations close to a predicted two-dimensional coplanar ground state with staggered chirality. The absence of three-dimensional long-range antiferromagnetic order indicates negligible coupling between the kagomé layers. The scattering intensities are consistent with high spin S 3=2 states of Co 2 in the kagomé layers and low spin S 0 states for Co 3 ions on interlayer sites. Our observations agree with previous Monte Carlo simulations indicating a ground state of effectively short range, staggered chiral spin order. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.067201 PACS numbers: 75.25.+z, 61.12.ÿq, 75.40.Cx, 75.50.Ee The topology of many crystal structures has an important influence on the collective behavior of interacting magnetic moments. In lattices with triangular networks the antiferromagnetic (AF) coupling between all spins cannot be satisfied simultaneously owing to geometrical frustration that strongly reduces the ordering temperature and disturbs the settling of the system into a long-range ordered state. Exotic phenomena such as spin-ice and spinliquid phases can emerge from magnetic interactions that are incompatible with the underlying crystal geometry. A hallmark of frustration is the large degeneracy of complex, noncollinear ground states of finite entropy and the appearance of chiral correlations [1]. According to the MerminWagner theorem [2], in low dimensions, the AF order that would reveal the ground state properties is suppressed at finite temperatures. The famous case of spins on the twodimensional kagomé lattice that are simply AF coupled to only nearest neighbor comprises high geometrical frustration and low dimensionality and still challenges theoretical understanding as well as experimental observations and analysis.Here, we present diffuse neutron scattering results with polarization analysis on a new compound Y 0:5 Ca 0:5 BaCo 4 O 7 , in which the Co spins (S 3=2) in noninteracting kagomé layers appear to realize ideally the kagomé AF with only 2D nearest neighbor interactions, which allows an unprecedented approach to its unusual ground state properties.Considering the classical Heisenberg model of AF coupled nearest neighbor spins on the kagomé lattice, the ground state is highly degenerate and characterized by competing chiral spin structures. The spins have a relative orientation of 120 degrees in each triangular unit, so that the local sum of spins is zero. However, there are two competing structures that show either uniform or staggered chirality, see Fig. 1. According to predictions for the classical Heisenberg AF the staggered chiral structure is favored [3,4], because the existence of local zero energy modes, so-called weathervane defects, which are common spin rotations on hexagons, cause a larger degeneracy; such entropical selecti...