S-, P-, D-waves and some higher wave phase shifts of d-a elastic scattering are calculated by solving the Amado-Lovelace equations in order to discuss the mechanism of this scattering and breakup reaction. Equations are solved by applying Pade technique. It is shown that this technique is especially useful to calculate elastic scattering. An interesting example of the convergence of the Born series is given. Remarkable improvements on Shanley's results are obtained in all partial waves. Effects of 'Li resonances are discussed and it is shown that the 1 + resonance play,; an important role to understand this scattering. It is suggested that the recently observed peak of the imaginary eigenphase by Griiebler et a!. does not suggest a new resonance of 'Li, but can be understood by this well-k~own resonance. In order to investigate the role of the Pauli principle, sensitivity to the s-wave a-nucleon interaction is discussed. § 1. IntroductionThe six-nucleon system, bound states (resonances) of 6 Li ( 6 He) and d-a scattering, can be considered a three-body problem, if the a-particle is regarded as a spinless boson which is justified by its unusually stable structure. In this viewpoint, several calculations of 6 Li levels have been done by using the Faddeev formalism with fairly good results.1l~4) As for d-a scattering, on the other hand, there had been for a long time only one calculation of d-a elastic scattering by Shanley,!) because it was much more difficult to solve the Faddeey equations in the sea ttering region.It has become relatively easy to solve the equations even m the scattering region because of the recently deYeloped Pade technique'),a) to study the threenucleon problem. Recently, Charnomordic et al.n have calculated the d-a elastic scattering observables with a noticeable improyement on Shanley's results. The calculation of the D(o:., ap)n reaction was started by the present author.s) ln contrast to the three-nucleon problem where each pair is dominated by a bound state and a virtual state, p-wave resonances play important roles in the present system. Furthermore, the three-body system itself is dominated by resonances of 6 Li. We can expect some different features of reaction mechanisms compared with N-d scattering. In this paper, we calculate real and imaginary parts of the phase shifts of d-a elastic scattering in order to know the effects of these resonances explicitly.One of the shortcomings in the present calculation is that the effect of the at University