⌽HAU8, a temperate Micromonospora phage, which is capable of infecting Micromonospora sp. strains 40027 and A-M-01, was isolated. The ⌽HAU8 virion has a polyhedral head and a flexible tail and has a small genome (ca. 42.5 kb) with double-stranded DNA and cohesive ends. ⌽HAU8 was most stable at 4°C in Difco nutrient broth within a pH range of 6 to 12. ⌽HAU8 plaque formation on Micromonospora sp. strain 40027 was optimal with 32 mM Ca 2؉ and 30 mM Mg 2؉ . A lysogen, LXH8, was isolated from turbid plaques, and a phasmid derivative that functions as a cosmid vector in Escherichia coli and as a phage in Micromonospora sp. strain 40027 was constructed. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of AseI-digested total DNA showed that ⌽HAU8 DNA integrates into the 500-kb AseI fragment of Micromonospora sp. strain 40027.The genus Micromonospora has a complex life cycle, which includes differentiation into substrate mycelia, aerial hyphae, and spores (20). Production of many hydrolytic enzymes, such as chitinases (6) and cellulases (14), allows Micromonospora strains to play an active role in the degradation of organic matter in their natural habitats. They are also known as producers of a wide variety of antibiotics, among which aminoglycosides are the most abundant (26).In spite of their commercial importance and ability to produce and modify a large variety of antibiotics, reports on the genetics of Micromonospora strains are scarce. This is due in part to the lack of tools, techniques, and systems for the study of this genus. The advanced Streptomyces gene cloning methods cannot be applied to Micromonospora because Streptomyces vectors do not usually transform members of this genus satisfactorily.In addition to plasmid-based vectors, phages have proven to be useful tools for studying the biology of their hosts, as they can affect the metabolism of the hosts (22) and can be used in the transfer of genetic information by both transduction and transfection (9). A temperate phage could provide the basis of a cloning system similar to that of the Streptomyces-specific ⌽C31 derivatives (4, 18, 27) or the phage R4-derived cosmid (16,19).A number of Micromonospora-specific actinophages have been reported, including the lytic phages ⌽UW21 and ⌽UW51 (10, 11), the temperate phage MP⌽WR-1 (25), and phages with undetermined infection cycles and specificities (3). Several other lytic Micromonospora phages have been used to screen for the presence of restriction enzymes (15). Phage pMLP1 was found to be present in Micromonospora carbonacea var. africana ATCC 39149 as a replicative form as well as an integrative form, and plasmid derivatives containing the site-specific att/int functions of pMLP1 were found to be able to integrate genes into the chromosome (1). None of the Micromonospora phages, however, has been developed into a gene cloning vector.Here we describe a temperate phage (⌽HAU8) that is capable of infecting and transfecting Micromonospora sp. strain 40027 (13), a producer of fortimicin A, which exhibits potent, broad-spectrum anti...