Abstract. Let A be a commutative Banach algebra and X be a compact space. The class of Banach A-valued function algebras on X consists of subalgebras of C(X, A) with certain properties. We introduce the notion of Acharacters on an A-valued function algebra A as homomorphisms from A into A that basically have the same properties as the evaluation homomorphisms E x : f → f (x), with x ∈ X. For the so-called natural A-valued function algebras, such as C(X, A) and Lip(X, A), we show that E x (x ∈ X) are the only A-characters. Vector-valued characters are utilized to identify vector-valued spectrums. When A = C, Banach A-valued function algebras reduce to Banach function algebras, and A-characters reduce to characters.