A previous study recommended "Please do not eat salads" as a note for immunocompromised patients, and the contamination of raw vegetables by microorganisms such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa has long been known. [1][2][3][4][5] Therefore, the consumption of canned fruit and cooked vegetables has been promoted among immunocompromised patients. However, many immunocompromised patients prefer to eat raw fruit and vegetables, which may also be nutritionally desirable.The cultivation methods of vegetables and fruit have changed markedly; the main vegetable cultivation method has shifted from open-field to greenhouse cultivation. However, there have been no recent studies on the microbial contamination of fruit and vegetables. In addition, the types of fruit and vegetable which are relatively safe microbiologically for immunocompromised patients have not been fully clarified. Therefore we evaluated the microbial contamination of fruit and vegetables and the effects of sodium hypochlorite disinfection on it.
Fruit and VegetablesWe examined 17 types of vegetable [cabbage, lettuce, sunny lettuce, leek, perilla, spinach, komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach), napa cabbage, parsley, tomato, minitomato, eggplant, cucumber, carrot, sweet pepper, onion, and Japanese radish] and 10 types of fruit (apple, pear, persimmon, grape, mandarin orange, orange, grapefruit, lemon, kiwi, and banana) served in meals in a university hospital (736 beds) between September 20 and December 20, 2006. Investigation of the microbial contamination of these fruit and vegetables was performed 3-5 times at intervals of 14 d or longer. Among the vegetables evaluated, peeled samples were used only for onion. Among fruit, unpeeled samples were used for grape and lemon, and both peeled and unpeeled samples were used for the other 8 types of fruit. The cores of apples and pears and calyces of persimmons were also evaluated.
Washing and DisinfectionFruit and vegetables were washed without scrubbing under flowing tap water (flow rate, about 7 l/min) for 30 s. Disinfection was performed by 10-min immersion in 0.01% (100 ppm) sodium hypochlorite prepared by dilution of Milton (Kyorin Pharmaceutical Co., Tokyo, Japan) with tap water. These procedures were performed while wearing sterilized rubber gloves. During immersion in sodium hypochlorite, a lid was placed directly on the samples to ensure adequate contact with the disinfecting agent.Microbiological Analysis After washing alone or washing followed by disinfection, each sample was cut (5-20 g) using a knife wiped with ethanol for disinfection and placed in bottles containing 30 ml of sterile solution (25 ml of physiologic salineϩ5 ml of broth). The bottles were then vibrated with a recipro shaker (SR-1, Taiyo Industry Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) at a frequency of 250 cycles/min and an amplitude of 50 mm and ultrasonicated (Sine Sonic 100, Ikemoto Rikagaku Co., Tokyo, Japan) at 36 kHz for 5 min. Each sample was diluted 10-fold, 100-fold, and 1000-fold in sterile saline; four aliquots (0.5 ml each) ...