Summary1. Tropical rain forests in SE Asia are well known for the occurrence of supra-annual synchronous reproductive events, masting. Answering the question how trees allocate carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to such irregular but gregarious reproduction requires a long-term observation. We conducted a 10-year continuous monitoring of litterfall in eight tropical rain forests, which differ significantly in P (and N) availability on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. 2. Mean P concentration in reproductive organ litter decreased significantly with increasing P-use efficiency of net primary production (PUE), an index of P deficiency. Therefore, P in reproductive organ litter became diluted as the magnitude of P deficiency increased.
Mean annual litterfall (kg haÀ1 yr À1 ) of reproductive organs over the 10 years ranged from 128.5 to 730.9 across the eight forests. Long-term C allocation ratio to reproductive organs (i.e. C in reproductive organs per C in total litterfall) varied from 2.0% to 7.8% across the eight forests and did not relate with PUE, indicating that long-term C allocation ratio to reproduction was not controlled by the availability of the most critical soil nutrient. 4. Long-term N allocation ratio to reproduction varied from 2.7% to 9.9% and significantly positively related with C allocation ratio. The quotient of N allocation ratio to C allocation ratio ranged from 1.1 to 1.4. Long-term P allocation ratio to reproduction varied from 9.8% to 16.4%. The quotient of P allocation ratio to C allocation ratio ranged from 1.6 to 5.0. Therefore, tropical trees allocated much greater proportion of P to reproduction than C and N over the 10 years. Moreover, trees disproportionately increased P allocation to reproduction with decreasing C allocation to reproduction. Trees adjusted P allocation relative to C allocation and maintained a narrow range of P allocation ratio to reproduction in the long run in each site. 5. Synthesis. Reproduction in Bornean tropical rain forests costs more P than C and N. Our results suggest that reproductive events in these forests are regulated by P at the level of overall long-term mean. Understanding patterns and processes of reproductive events requires a long-term monitoring of nutrient dynamics.