a r t i c l e i n f oArticle history: Available online xxxx a b s t r a c tThe prospect of changing climate has led to uncertainty about the resilience of forested mountain watersheds in the tropics. In watersheds where frequent, high rainfall provides ample runoff, we often lack understanding of how the system will respond under conditions of decreased rainfall or drought. Factors that govern water supply, such as recharge rates and groundwater storage capacity, may be poorly quantified. This paper describes 8-year data sets of water stable isotope composition (d The hydrograph separation results indicated that 36% of the storm rain that reached the soil surface left the watershed in a very short time as runoff. Weathering-derived solutes indicated near-stream groundwater was displaced into the stream at the beginning of the event, followed by significant dilution. The more biologically active solutes exhibited a net flushing behavior. The d-excess analysis suggested that streamflow typically has a recent rainfall component ($25%) with transit time less than the sampling resolution of 7 days, and a more well-mixed groundwater component ($75%). The contemporaneous stream sample sets showed an overall increase in dissolved solute concentrations with decreasing elevation that may be related to groundwater inputs, different geology, and slope position. A considerable amount of water from rain events runs off as quickflow and bypasses subsurface watershed flowpaths, and better understanding of shallow hillslope and deeper groundwater processes in the watershed will require sub-weekly data and detailed transit time modeling. A combined isotopic and solute chemistry approach can guide further studies to a more comprehensive model of the hydrology, and inform decisions for managing water supply with future changes in climate and land use.Published by Elsevier Ltd.1. Introduction
Forested mountain watersheds in the tropicsForested mountain watersheds in the tropics are often characterized by higher annual rainfall amounts and frequency, greater energy inputs, and faster rates of human-induced change than watersheds in temperate latitudes (Bruijnzeel, 2004;Bruijnzeel et al., 2005;Ogden and Harmon, 2012;Wohl et al., 2012). In areas with frequent, high rainfall from seasonal monsoons or wet-season weather patterns, weathering is intense and bedrock evolves to clay soils. The presence of forests on steep mountain slopes provides soil structure for the storage and purification of water, controls erosion, enhances infiltration and recharge processes compared to cleared land (Bruijnzeel et al.