Glyphosate herbicide is widely used to control bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) Beauv.), trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), and other competing species in regenerating white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) plantations in Alberta, Canada. In 2004, we initiated a study to examine the effects of the aerial application of glyphosate herbicide on plant community diversity and tree growth near Calling Lake, Alberta. Four treatments were applied: (a) no treatment (control); (b) herbicide application in the first growing season after harvesting; (c) herbicide application in the third growing season after harvesting; and (d) herbicide application in the second and fourth growing seasons after harvesting (two treatments). After 11 growing seasons, species richness was not significantly affected by treatment, while Shannon and Simpson index values were highest in areas treated with herbicide in the first growing season. Herbicide treatment did not have a significant effect on the cover of bluejoint reedgrass after 11 growing seasons, but did significantly reduce trembling aspen and paper birch cover and height. Application of glyphosate in the second and fourth growing seasons resulted in the greatest reductions to aspen cover and height, as well as significant increases in spruce diameter at age 11. Simulations with the Mixedwood Growth Model indicate that all tested herbicide treatments will reduce aspen volume while increasing spruce volume at age 90, with the largest impacts evident where two treatments were applied.