Vegetation is the basic rule in the food pyramid for all living being one of the most important ecosystems, including its content from all plant species , that through the process of photosynthesis by using solar energy where absorbs carbon dioxide and produce oxygen which needed to breathe all forms of life on earth and prevent global warming ,is one of the most important ecosystems in the filtration for rid the air from toxic gases and dusts, maintaining the proper temperature for life especially in reducing the thermal differences between night and day.Organic components of plants turn into nutrients in the soil by microorganisms, maintain the moisture and the water cycle in the soil. Bring rain, prevent the phenomena of soil erosion and desertification so contribute organization of the wind and the movement of clouds and rains then their distributed on the surface of the earthalso protect the biodiversity from extinction. Vegetation provides the humannatural resources which used as a food and Clothing so provides primary natural resources were necessary for the Pharmaceutical Industries, provides resources as raw materials for manufacturing, vegetation is one of the most important sources of the components of biological and ecological balance, which sits on their head the human, in addition of plant breeding andAesthetic values. Thebotanical survey revealed that these plants belong to 39 families, 85genuses and 92 species. While the percentage of coverage was 95 % and plant density reached 395.48 plant/m 2 . The higher density found in Avena fatua26plant/m 2 , the less density was inPaspalum distichum 0.15 plant/m 2 .The higher frequency in the Lolium rigidum 70%, ,the less frequency was in Anchusa itali3.5%,the higher height was inSilybum marianum102 cm and the less height inOxalis corniculata 18 cm .This region is rich in flora (vegetation cover) which could be invested for anti-desertification, soilprotectionand improvement of natural pastures.Copy Right, IJAR, 2016,. All rights reserved.