Successful field establishment begins with superior plant genetics, quality seeds, land preparation, sowing depth, weed control, and moisture. Our research examined the field-establishment plant density of six populations of little bluestem [Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash] and three selection generations at three locations over a 3-yr period. Recurrent selection was used to develop C 1 and C 2 populations from six improved C 0 populations (NU1, NU2, UC1, UC2, UO1, and UO2). In Cycle 1, open-pollinated seeds from each C 0 population were geminated in water of −0.8 MPa potential for 7 d. For each C 0 population, seeds that germinated in 7 d were selected to create six C 1 populations. Cycle 2 selection was identical to Cycle 1, except that C 1 populations were used to create the six C 2 populations. Plant density (number of plants m -2 ) was determined using a frequency grid method at 30, 60, and 90 d after planting (DAP). The plant density of little bluestem varied with location (L), population (P), selection generation (G), DAP, L × P, L × G, P × G, and L × DAP interactions (P < .01). Averaged over generations and DAP, plant density averaged 7