Verticillium dahliae represents one of the main limiting factors in olive production in the Mediterranean countries. Increasing shortage of fresh water and land, increase the pressure on using alternative sources of marginal or saline water, and land previously cropped with V. dahliae host plants. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of salinity on V. dahliae expression in olive stem cuttings. V. dahliae-inoculated cuttings of cvs. Picual, Frantoio, Mansanillo and Barnea, showed higher senescence symptoms than their non-inoculated controls. Colonization levels obtained in cv. Picual were significantly higher than in cv. Frantoio. Manzanillo was the most sensitive cultivar to salinity alone, with significant senescence symptoms in 4 and 6 dS/m NaCl treatments. When cv. Manzanillo was exposed to both salinity and V. dahliae, significantly higher senescence symptoms were obtained as compared with each of them separately. Senescence symptoms of cv. Picual exposed to V. dahliae, whether or not in combination with saline solutions, were significantly higher than those when cuttings were exposed to a saline solution alone. In cv. Frantoio, which is more resistant to salinity than the other cultivars, significantly high senescence symptoms were observed only in combination of V. dahliae and high saline concentration (8 dS/m). The fungal colonization index in cv. Manzanillo in high salinity (8 dS/m) was significantly higher than in the treatment without salt. In cv. Barnea, colonization index in 8 dS/m salinity was significantly higher than in the 4 dS/m concentration or control (fresh water). In conclusion, our findings demonstrate the interaction between V. dahliae and saline irrigation in various cultivars. Thus, stem cuttings could serve as an effective screening method in breeding olive clones for V. dahliae resistance, salt tolerance and their interaction.