There is currently a strongly growing interest in obtaining optimal control solutions for vehicle maneuvers, both in order to understand optimal vehicle behavior and, perhaps more importantly, to devise improved safety systems, either by direct deployment of the solutions or by including mimicked driving techniques of professional drivers. However, it is nontrivial to find the right combination of models, optimization criteria, and optimization tools to get useful results for the above purposes. Here, a platform for investigation of these aspects is developed based on a state-of-the-art optimization tool together with adoption of existing vehicle chassis and tire models. A minimum-time optimization criterion is chosen to the purpose of gaining insight in at-the-limit maneuvers, with the overall aim of finding improved fundamental principles for future active safety systems. The proposed method to trajectory generation is evaluated in time-critical maneuvers using vehicle models established in literature. We determine the optimal control solutions for three maneuvers, using tire and chassis models of different complexity. The results are extensively analyzed and discussed. Our main conclusion is that the tire model has a fundamental influence on the resulting control inputs. Also, for some combinations of chassis and tire models, inherently different behavior is obtained. However, certain variables important in vehicle safety-systems, such as the yaw moment and the body-slip angle, are similar for several of the considered model configurations in aggressive maneuvering situations.