“…The eight cells are labeled as [C x ,C y ,C z ], where C i ¼ 1 or 2, with 1 labeling the region from 0 to π in the ith direction, and 2 the region between π and 2π (i.e., the cell labeled [1,2,1] refers to the subregion ½0; πÞ × ½π; 2πÞ × ½0; πÞ of the whole computational domain). Each cell has a flow that in many previous studies was shown to have Eulerian and Lagrangian similarities with that observed in VK experiments [39,40,45], despite differences in boundary conditions and forcing mechanisms (volumetric forcing in the former, and two counterrotating propellers in the latter): two counterrotating vortices separated by a shear layer. The VK flow has nonzero helicity, while given the TG symmetries, four of the DNS cells have mean helicity with a preferential sign, and the other four cells have the opposite sign.…”