The observation of the scattering of molecular beams by gases is as old as the original discovery of the "molecular ray" by Dunoyer (1) in 1911. In the 1920's a number of semiquantitative studies of scattering were carried out (2). These consisted of measurements of the mean free path for molecular beams passing through gases at low pressure. Effective collision cross sections calculated from such mean-freepath data were comparable to, but generally larger than, the so-called "kinetic theory cross sections" based on transport properties (for example, viscosity and diffusion). More accurate and extensive experiments of a similar nature followed (3-5) during the 1930's; it was then recognized that precise measurements of scattering would yield, in a direct way, valuable information on the laws of interaction between the colliding molecules on a microscopic scale, from which the macroscopic gas properties could be calculated with the aid of statistical mechanical procedures.The concept of an effective molecular collision cross section, usually designated Q (or u), has been a useful one. It is defined as Q = vrro, such that the actual collision rate would be reproduced by a calculation of the collision rate assuming the molecules to be hard spheres of diameter ro. In general,
molecular-collision cross sections pend upon the incident relative velo( vr; usually Q decreases with increasVr.The cross section may be expres in terms of the attenuation of a mo energetic molecular beam pas, through a "static" target gas of knc density: -= e-Q = e-1/x lo where I/Io is the transmittance, 1 is length of the scattering zone, n is number density of target molecules is the cross section (6), and X = 1/ is the mean free path of the beam n ecules.Usually, Maxwellian velocity di, bution of beam and target gases involved, so the cross sections or m free paths obtained from measurem( of 1/Io by means of Eq. 1 are avera over the velocity distributions (4, 7,The symbol Qeff has been used (8) designate the "effective" cross secti that is, 1Io Qef--f =lIn The true cross section is related to < by a (dimensionless) factor which function of the temperatures of beam source and scattering gas and appropriate velocity distribution fu tions.The angular distribution of the s tering is also of considerable inter Simple considerations suggest that the low-angle scattering is sensitive primarily to the long-range attractive interaction, while the large-angle scattering yields information mainly about the short-range repulsive forces (9). The earliest measurements (10-12) indeed showed the expected strong forward peak in scattered intensity arising from the long-range intermolecular attractive forces.The angular distribution is described in terms of the so-called "differential" scattering cross section, defined as follows (for the simple case of scattering by a spherically symmetrical potential).Let dn12 be the number of collisions occurring per unit time per unit volde-ume between molecules moving with ity relative speed Vr, for which the relative ve...