Body wave, su~ace wave, and .norm~! mode data are used to place constraints on the frequency depe_n.dence of Q m the mantle. With a simple absorption band model it is possible to satisfy the shear sensitive data over a broad frequency range. The quality factor Qs(w) is proportional to w" in the band and to ~ and w-1 at higher and lower frequencies, respectively, as appropriate for a relaxation mech~msm with a spectrum of relaxation times. The parameters of the band are Q(min) = 80, a= 0.15, and w1dt~, 5 decades. The center of the band varies from 10 1 seconds in the upper mantle, to 1.6 x 10 3 seconds m the lower mantle. The shift of the band with depth is consistent with the expected effects of temper~ture, pressure and stress. High Qs regions of the mantle are attributed to a shift of the absorptiOn band to longer periods. To satisfy the gravest fundamental spheroidal modes and the ScS data, the absorption band must shift back into the short-period seismic band at the base of the mantle This may be .due to a ~ig~ gradient or high shear stresses. A preliminary attempt is als~ made to s~ec1fy bulk dissipation m the mantle and core. Specific features of the absorption band model are lo": Q m the body wave ~mnd at both the top and the base of the mantle, low Q for long-period body wave~ m the outer core, an mner.core ~s that increases with period, and low QP/Qs at short periods in the middle mantle. The short-penod Qs mcreases rapidly at 400 km and is relatively constant from this depth to 2400 km. The deformational Q of the earth at a period of 14 months is predicted to be 463.