Main stream velocity profiles have been obtained by means of impact probes for the steady, isothermal flow of water in three smooth, concentric annuli having widely different diameter ratios. The point of maximum local velocity has been determined, thus permitting the ratio of skin frictions a t the inner and outer boundaries t o be calculated. Previously published data on pressure drop have been used to obtain separate friction factor correlations for the two surfaces. Attention has been centered on the transition range, where the position of maximum velocity is a function of both the diameter ratio and the Reynolds number.Not much is known about the transitional behavior of fluids flowing in noncircular ducts, especially those in which the profiles of shearing stress and velocity are asymmetric about their minimum or maximum points.The concentric annulus is such a configuration and offers the advantage for study of uniform but d8erent skin frictions on its two boundaries. The present work seeks to determine the separate transitional skin frictions at the inner and outer surfaces as functions of the Reynolds number and diameter ratio. For this purpose temporal mean, main stream, local velocities, as averaged by an ordinary impact probe, are experimentally measured in order to determine the radius of maximum velocity. With the radial position of zero shear thus established, previously published frictional data permit the individual skin frictions to be calculated.If the inner radius of an annulus is rl and the outer radius is r,, the corresponding skin frictions r1 and T~ are uniform over their respective boundaries but differ from one another in a definite fashion. Under steady flow conditions a simple force balance on the fluid shows that regardless of whether the flow is viscous or turbulent.For fully viscous, isothermal flow it can be shown that rm' = (r: -T:) /In (r;/r,2) ( 2 ) The ratio of skin frictions is therefore fixed by geometrical factors alone. Whether the same is true for transitional and fully turbulent flow however remains a matter to be determined through experiment.
Page 26radius of maximum velocity is essentially independent of Reynolds number in fully turbulent flow and is given by Equation ( 2 ) within experimental error. In at least one instance however disagreement with this view has been reported ( 2 ) .In the region of viscous-turbulent transition skin friction measurements ( 5 ) and velocity data (9) have indicated that the radius of maximum velocity depends on the Reynolds number, but the influence of diameter ratio has not been established. The present experiments extend the previous work by dealing with a much wider range of diameter ratios.With the radius of maximum velocity experimentally determined the skin friction ratio can be obtained from Equation (1). It is more usual however to express results in terms of the Fanning type of friction factors defined by means of the following equations:Since the friction factors are defined on the basis of the average velocity over the whole...