IntroductionThe theoretical evaluation of the first Townsend ionization coefficient rx/p (ionizations cm-1 (mm Hg)-l) requires a knowledge of the precise form of the velocity distribution of electrons in the gas. This distribution was determined theoretically by Morse, Allis, and Lamar (1935) for the particular case when only elastic collisions take place in the gas, but its form is not known for the more complex situation when inelastic collision processes also occur. For this reason the01'etical calculations of the coefficientrx/ p, which were made some years ago (EmeIeus, Lunt, and Meek 1936), were based on an assumed distribution of electron velocities and the subsequent comparison with experimental values used as a criterion for assessing the validity of any particular distribution. For the particular case of hydrogen, assuming a Maxwellian distribution of' velocities, values of rx/p were calculated as a function of the parameter E/p (V cm-1 (mm Hg)-l) throughout the range 13 30, there is a considerable discrepancy at the lower values of E/p. It is clear that as E/p is reduced a greater proportion of electron collisions must be elastic and for this low range of E/p Deas and EmeIeus (1949) assumed an elastic collision distribution function based on the condition that the mean free path l is independent of the electron veloctiy u. The agreement, however, was even less satisfactory. In hydrogen, a more valid assumption may