production of a clean neutral molecular sample is a crucial
step in many gas-phase spectroscopy and reaction dynamics experiments
investigating neutral species. Unfortunately, conventional methods
based on heating cannot be used with most nonvolatile biomolecules
due to their thermal instability. In this paper, we demonstrate the
application of laser-based thermal desorption (LBTD) to produce neutral
molecular plumes of biomolecules such as dipeptides and lipids. Specifically,
we report mass spectra of glycylglycine, glycyl-l-alanine,
and cholesterol obtained using LBTD vaporization, followed by soft
femtosecond multiphoton ionization (fs-MPI) at 400 nm. For all molecules,
the signal from the intact precursor ion was observed, highlighting
the softness and applicability of the LBTD and fs-MPI approach. In
more detail, cholesterol underwent hardly any fragmentation. Both
dipeptides fragmented significantly, although mostly through only
a single channel, which we attribute to the fs-MPI process.