Abstract.The neutral beam current drive efficiency has been investigated in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak by replacing on-axis neutral beams with tangential off-axis beams.A clear modification of the radial fast-ion profiles is observed with a fast-ion Dalpha diagnostic that measures centrally peaked profiles during on-axis injection and outwards shifted profiles during off-axis injection. Due to this change of the fast-ion population, a clear modification of the plasma current profile is predicted but not observed by a motional Stark effect diagnostic.The fast-ion transport caused by MHD activity has been studied in low collisionality discharges that exhibit strong (1,1) modes. In particular due to sawtooth crashes, significant radial redistribution of co-rotating fast-ions is observed which can very well be described by the Kadomtsev model. In addition, first tomographic reconstructions of the central 2D fast-ion velocity space in the presence of sawtooth crashes allow the investigation of the pitch dependence of the mode-imposed redistribution: A stronger redistribution of mainly co-rotating fast ions is observed than of those with smaller pitch values.