Bubble continuous positive airway pressure (B-CPAP) applies small-amplitude, high-frequency oscillations in airway pressure (⌬P aw ) that may improve gas exchange in infants with respiratory disease. We developed a device, high-amplitude B-CPAP (HAB-CPAP), which provides greater ⌬P aw than B-CPAP provides. We studied the effects of different operational parameters on ⌬P aw and volumes of gas delivered to a mechanical infant lung model. In vivo studies tested the hypothesis that HAB-CPAP provides noninvasive respiratory support greater than that provided by B-CPAP. Lavaged juvenile rabbits were stabilized on ventilator nasal CPAP. The animals were then supported at the same mean airway pressure, bias flow, and fraction of inspired oxygen (F i O 2 ) required for stabilization, whereas the bubbler angle was varied in a randomized crossover design at exit angles, relative to vertical, of 0 (HAB-CPAP0; equivalent to conventional B-CPAP), 90 (HAB-CPAP90), and 135°(HAB-CPAP135). Arterial blood gases and pressure-rate product (PRP) were measured after 15 min at each bubbler angle. PaO 2 levels were higher (p Ͻ 0.007) with HAB-CPAP135 than with conventional B-CPAP. PaCO 2 levels did not differ (p ϭ 0.073) among the three bubbler configurations. PRP with HAB-CPAP135 were half of the PRP with HAB-CPAP0 or HAB-CPAP90 (p ϭ 0.001). These results indicate that HAB-CPAP135 provides greater respiratory support than conventional B-CPAP does. (Pediatr Res 67: 624-629, 2010) B ubble-nasal continuous positive airway pressure (BnCPAP) is a form of noninvasive respiratory support that is used frequently as a primary strategy for supporting spontaneously breathing preterm infants at risk of developing respiratory distress syndrome. Compared with intubation and mechanical ventilation, the use of B-CPAP has been associated with lower indicators of acute lung injury (1) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (2).Recent studies suggest that the bubbling of gas exiting the B-nCPAP circuit at the water seal creates oscillations in airway pressure (⌬P aw ), having broadband high frequencies (3), which may promote airway patency and enhance lung volume and gas exchange in preterm lambs (4). However, a study of 261 consecutively born premature infants revealed that 24% of infants born weighing Ͻ1250 g and 50% of infants weighing Ͻ750 g failed B-nCPAP and required endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation (5). In an effort to diminish the potentially deleterious effects of invasive mechanical ventilation (6), we designed a novel device, highamplitude B-CPAP (HAB-CPAP), which, through alterations in angle of gas entry at the water seal, may enhance respiratory efficiency and improve oxygenation when compared with conventional B-nCPAP.In this report, we describe a device that provides ⌬P aw higher in amplitude than B-CPAP. Studies were conducted to determine the effects of bubbler angle and bias flow on ⌬P aw and the amplitude of oscillations in volume (⌬V) delivered to a mechanical model of an infant lung. In addition, studies were con...