A time-sequencing sediment trap was deployed at 300-350 m in Lake Malawi, East Africa, from 1987 to 1992 to measure particulate export to the deep, anoxic hypolimnion in the northern and central lake regions. The monthly settling particulate samples provide a data set of seasonal and interannual export fluxes of organic carbon, biogenic opal, calcium carbonate, and lithogenic material. Maximum total particle fluxes (ϳ50-400 mg m Ϫ2 d Ϫ1 ) occurred primarily during the dry, windy season (April through October) when algal productivity is high because of windinduced upwelling of nutrient-enriched metalimnion and hypolimnion waters. Peak-flux particulates contained an abundance of Aulacoseira and Stephanodiscus diatom valves and chains. The total particle mass flux during the wet, austral summer months (November through March) was consistently one to three orders of magnitude less than that measured during the dry months and consisted of mineral shards, terrestrial plant debris, and scattered diatom tests. The 5-yr trap data provide support for the claim that the light-dark lamination couplets, abundant in northern and central lake cores, reflect seasonal delivery to the sediments of diatom-rich particulates during the windy months and diatom-poor material during the wet season. However, interannual and spatial variability in upwelling and productivity patterns, as well as El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-related rainfall and drought cycles, appears to exert a strong influence over the magnitude and geochemical composition of particle export to the deep hypolimnion of Lake Malawi. Lake Malawi, located between 9ЊS and 15ЊS, is at the southern end of the western arm of the East African rift system. As the fifth largest lake in the world by volume, with maximum depths of Ͼ700 m and an overall length of 570 km, it represents a substantial lacustrine sedimentary reservoir containing up to 25 Ma yr of continuous sedimentation history . The lake is meromictic, with substantial physical mixing occurring primarily in the upper 100-250 m during the windy winter period of minimal stratification. Below approximately 220 m, the lake waters are permanently anoxic, nutrient rich, and isothermal at about 22.7ЊC (Beauchamp 1953;Eccles 1974). Permanent stratification and the oxic-anoxic boundary are maintained by moderately small chemical and thermal gradients in the metalimnion (105-220 m) between the 0-to 105-m epilimnion and deep (Ͼ220 m) hypolimnion (Hutchinson 1957; Wüest et al. 1996;Vollmer et al. 2002). Recent studies of density stratification and ventilation in Lake Malawi have shown that the temperature gradient has a stronger effect on the density structure than the salinity gradient (Wüest et al. 1996;Vollmer et al. 2002). Total dissolved nutrient flux into the surface mixed layer is thus highly dependent on seasonal