“… Note . Shading represents the change in confidence in correctly classifying a given score as invalid (darker means more likely to be invalid); EI-5 MEM: Erdodi Index Five - Memory; EI-5 PSP: Erdodi Index Five – Processing Speed; CIM BDAE: Complex Ideational Material subtest of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Battery raw score ( An et al., 2019 ; Erdodi, 2019 ; Erdodi et al., 2016 ; Erdodi & Roth, 2017 ); DS WAIS: Digit Span subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (age-corrected scaled score; Erdodi & Abeare, 2020 ; Erdodi & Lichtenstein, 2017 ; Hurtubise et al., 2020 ; Reese et al., 2012 ; Shura et al., 2019 ; Spencer et al., 2013 ; Webber & Soble, 2018 ; Whitney et al., 2009 ); FCR HVLT-R : Forced choice recognition trial of the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test – Revised ( Abeare, Hurtubise, et al., 2020 ; Cutler et al., 2021 ); Rey-15 FR: Rey Fifteen-Item Test free recall ( Boone et al., 2002 ; Lezak, 1995 ; Merten et al., 2005 ; O’Bryant et al., 2003 ; Poynter et al., 2019 ; Russeler et al., 2008); Rey WRT: Rey Word Recognition Test ( Bell-Sprinkel et al., 2013 ; Goworowski et al., 2020 ; Love et al., 2014 ; Nitch et al., 2006 ; Smith et al., 2014 ); Animals: Animal fluency T-score using norms by Heaton et al., 2004 ( Hurtubise et al., 2020 ; Sugarman & Axelrod, 2015 ); CD WAIS : Coding subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (age-corrected scaled score; Erdodi & Abeare, 2020 ; Erdodi, Abeare, et al., 2017 ...…”