Summary:Background: In the daily offi ce setting, fl ow and refl ux in leg veins is assessed to investigate patients with chronic venous disease. Valsalva manoeuvre and manual calf compression and release are frequent manoeuvres used to elicit blood fl ow in leg veins. Toe elevation manoeuvre (TEM) was proposed as a further alternative to provoke blood fl ow in veins. We compared both methods. Patients and methods: Patients consulting a venous offi ce referring no previous treatment on their leg veins were evaluated with duplex ultrasound in the standing position. Age, body mass index, C of CEAP, venous clinics severity score, diameter of great saphenous vein and refl ux duration at proximal thigh following TEM and manual calf compression and release were assessed. Results: In total, 53 legs were evaluated with both manoeuvres, applied in a randomised sequence. Refl ux >0.5s was found in 40 legs (group "refl ux") and no refl ux in 13 legs (group "no refl ux"). No signifi cant difference was found following manual calf compression and release or TEM (2.11s vs. 2.31s in "refl ux-group" and 0.11s vs. 0.13s in "no-refl ux-group"), but good correlation was found between both with Pearson's test (r=0.72). Conclusions: Both manoeuvres showed a good correlation with respect to refl ux detection and refl ux duration. The advantage of TEM is the easy and painless performance, low fatigability and independence from examiner.