. The results should be matched in this communication with that newer date. In the investigation of 2005 in the farms IIa/ IIb, masculine and feminine pigs were weighed six times. These data records were provided separated to a estimation procedure for determination the parameters (growth function of Lehman) for each animal. Among other things, the values of the theoretical possible end weight could be determined by means of the mentioned function from the weighing data. According to these values became ascendingly sorted and subsequent the data records of the animals in nine groups divide. Consequently group 1 contained those animals with small possible end weights and group 9 for example with the highest ones. The following statements can be hit: In the group arrangement of the nine groups can be confirmed in direction the statement in year 1989, that a low growth intenseness go along with one high possible end weight and a high growth intenseness with a small one, that however this state of affairs can not be supported in single animal arrangement in this consequence. Further, the statement can be confirmed that a high growth intenseness is be compared with a more rapid cycling the growth relevant dates and/or a low one with a slower one. The respective statements can not be confirmed with the single animal arrangements of years 1989 and 2005 from the group arrangements, that a high growth intenseness always agree with an early attaining of the maximum of daily increase in live weight and/or a low with a late attaining.