Laymen First aiders have to rely on their senses when they check an unconscious casualty for pulse and respiration. This paper introduces a system that will not only check for pulse and respiration but can also decide on whether or not the casualty has to be reanimated. This is thought to increase the motivation of a First aider to act (relieving responsibility in this high pressure situation) and to decrease the amount of erroneous decisions. Common systems like the AED and the pulse oximeter are insufficient as they do not measure the actual pulse wave and respiration. Most approaches to this problem are based on methods that are too complicated and too "bulky" to enable First aiders to have the system ready at hand (e.g. on a keychain). In contrast to this the presented system is the size of a walnut and will be able to detect pulse wave and respiration at one single point on the neck while providing a decision for or against reanimation within ten seconds. First measurements based on simulated data resulted in a sensitivity of about 79% and a specificity of about 96%.