“…Decrypt all the ciphertext in RST t S i with Key i ; (7) if e end user cannot decrypt the ciphertext normally then (8) Completeness � false; return Completeness; (9) end if (10) Calculate the value of Ω i which is the total number of the queried locations in RST t S i ; (11) for j � 1 to Ω i do (12) if DPP t i,x j is not originally in RST t S i (DPP t i,x j is a Data-proof Packet corresponding to Loc t i,x j which is in QR I MWSN then (13) Completeness � false; return Completeness; (14) end if (15) Calculate the value of c t i,x j which is the total number of the sensed data items in DPP t i,x j ; ( 16) (33) if (n t i,x j is not included in DPP t i,x j in R t ) ‖ (no sensed data item in DPP t i,x j is encrypted with a sequence number) ‖ (the sequence numbers encrypted in DPP t i,x j are not sorted in ascending order from 1) ‖ (any sensed data item encrypted in DPP t i,x j is not originally encrypted with Loc t i,x j ) ‖ (E Key i μ t i,x j , Loc t i,x j is not originally included in DPP t i,x j ) then (34) Completeness � false; return Completeness; (35) end if (36) if n t i,x j � c t i,x j then (37) if c t i,x j ≠ μ t i,x j then (38) Completeness � false; return Completeness; (39) else…”