This paper determined the feasibility of an adaptive hexapod simulator motion algorithm based on aircraft roll stability. An experiment was conducted that used a transport aircraft model in the Vertical Motion Simulator at NASA Ames Research Center. Eighteen general aviation pilots flew a heading-capture task and a stall task consecutively under four motion configurations: baseline hexapod, adaptive hexapod, optimized hexapod, and full motion. The adaptive motion was more similar to the baseline hexapod motion in the heading-capture task when the aircraft was more stable, and more similar to the optimized hexapod motion in the stall task when the aircraft was more unstable. Pilot motion ratings and task performance in the heading-capture task under the adaptive hexapod motion were more similar to baseline hexapod motion compared to optimized hexapod motion. However, motion ratings and task performance in the stall task under the adaptive motion were not significantly more similar to the optimized hexapod motion compared to baseline hexapod motion. Motion ratings and overall task performance under optimized hexapod motion as opposed to baseline hexapod motion were always more similar to the full motion condition. This paper showed that adaptive motion based on aircraft stability is feasible and can be implemented in a straightforward way. More research is required to test the adaptive motion algorithm in different tasks.