Introduction: Regarding dementia prevention, as it has been reported that the volume of hippocampus increase with continuous dancing and that dancers’ gray matter increases, dancing and recognition tasks have been combined and developed into brain training. Furthermore, we equipped a robot with dance therapy and a cognitive evaluation scale, the results of which we will exam as the focus of this study.
Methods: Comparison of the results of cognitive evaluation tests before and after 7 weeks of continuous cognitive dance therapy once a week. The cognitive evaluation test utilized was the cognitive test used by the National Police Agency for the renewal of elderly person’s licenses. Moreover, mental states before and after dance were compared on a five-level Likert scale, and we surveyed the psychological condition of participants after robot therapy.
Results: Of the 91 registrants, with no missing values data of 71 people was analyzed with paired t-test. The mean age was 70.3±5.7 years old, the average score for the cognitive test prior to intervention was 86.8 points. After 7 weeks of intervention, the average score was 94.7 points, significant increase (p<0.01). At the Likert scale of the mental state, there was a significant improvement in mood comfort, satisfaction, and vitality (p<0.01). And there was a correlation between cognitive function and mental state (p <0.05). Next, the average score of the robot therapy satisfaction level was as high as 4.73 out of 5 points. In the comments section, there were in descending order comments such as being happy, healing, clarity of the mind, facilitation of social interactions, et cetera.
Conclusion: Cognitive dance therapy improves cognitive ability. Remembering songs and choreography together with music is indeed easy and effective. Additionally, with the combined effects of the results from robot psychological healing, it was shown that both the mind and body of older people are revitalized.
Keywords: Brain training, Dance therapy, Robot therapy, Cognitive function, Psychological effectiveness.