Abstract. A review of the literature was conducted on the effects of high temperature and low pH (HTLP) on meat quality, with a focus on interventions that increase the rate of cooling post slaughter. HTLP can potentially change meat tenderness, water-holding capacity and colour due primarily to protein denaturation during the first 5 h post mortem. Deep muscles in large carcasses are susceptible to HTLP when cooled conventionally. Ante mortem and post mortem solutions that increase the rate of carcass cooling are discussed. Ante mortem solutions include access to feed and water, showering with water and provision of shade. Post mortem solutions included vascular flushing, hot fat trimming, opening seams, hot boning, spray chilling, blast chilling, immersion cooling, and very fast chilling. Accelerating rigor with electrical stimulation before HTLP remains controversial. Combinations of different techniques, that suit the specific requirements of a particular processing plant, is the likely best solution to HTLP, but further development of commercial solutions is suggested.