In this work, we propose using time-modulation in metallic materials, which can be realized through either optical pumps or electric signals, as a coupling mechanism between radiation and surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) without using any optical component. By applying temporal changes in the permittivity of metallic materials, scattered waves yield different frequencies from incident waves, potentially satisfying the continuous wave vector condition and enabling SPP from radiation. The coupling is observed in finite-difference time-domain simulations, where the dispersive metallic materials are modeled using auxiliary differential equations. Under the same modulation, coupling from radiation to SPP and from SPP to radiation differ strongly, showing clear evidence of the non-reciprocity. In addition, the coupling is also actively controllable via strength and frequency modulation. We also demonstrate the coupling at multiple angles, which is difficult to achieve with common methods such as Kretschmann or Otto configurations. The direct and non-reciprocal coupling between radiation and SPP can be beneficial for the application of telecommunication to form transmitting-only and receiving-only leaky-wave antennas in full-duplex transceivers.INDEX TERMS Finite-difference time-domain, leaky waves, non-reciprocity, surface plasmon polariton, time-modulation.
I. INTRODUCTIONSurface plasmon polariton (SPP) is a special mode of electromagnetic wave that propagates at the interface between a metal and an insulator [1]. SPP can be formed in various ways but the most common one is from radiation. This coupling effectively turns the interface into an antenna which is a key component in communication. In addition, being highly directive and tightly confined at the interface [2], SPP decays exponentially in the direction normal to its propagating axis, offering a vast potential in communication in general and secured communication in particular.Unfortunately, SPP cannot directly couple to radiation without intermediate optical components. In many cases, prisms are often used to create SPP. The main idea is to match the wave vector of SPP tangential to the interface with that of radiation, satisfying the boundary condition and facilitatingThe associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Pavlos I. Lazaridis .